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URL EncodingBest url encoder online:'s mailto encoder: How are characters URL encoded? URL encoding of a character consists of a "%" symbol, followed by the two-digit hexadecimal representation (case-insensitive) of the ISO-Latin code point for the character.
The box below allows you to convert content between its unencoded and encoded forms. The initial input state is considered to be "unencoded" (hit 'Convert' at the beginning to start in the encoded state.) Further, to allow actual URLs to be encoded, this little converter does not encode URL syntax characters (the ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "=", "#" and "&" characters)...if you also need to encode these characters for any reason, see the "Reserved characters" table below for the appropriate encoded values. NOTE: This converter uses the String.charCodeAt and String.fromCharCode functions, which are only available in Javascript version 1.2 or better, so it doesn't work in Opera 3.x and below, Netscape 3 and below, and IE 3 and below. Browser detection can be tiresome, so this will just fail in those have been warned. 8-}
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